Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Updates!

First, I hope everyone enjoyed my interviews this morning on Magic 93, WVIA, and WBRE. I had a lot of fun with them and look forward to more conversations tomorrow. You can hear me on Magic around 6AM, WVIA shortly after that, and on WBRE at 6:45. Okay, now with that shameless plug out of the way I can move onto Monday’s events.

Like everybody else in D.C. we had to head down to the Capital to grab our tickets to the Inauguration from our Congressperson and just as you would have guessed, the place was mobbed with people. Every House of Representatives Office Building had at least two lines that stretched about a block out from the doors. Needless to say, it took us about an hour and a half to get inside the building. But the fun wasn’t over there, no, we had to go through a security checkpoint! Everything I had on me was tossed onto a conveyor belt, including my coat, and scanned by some machine for…well, I don’t exactly know. Anyway, once we were inside the building we headed over to Representative Kanjorski’s office and gathered our tickets and then went trekking for some food in one of the House Cafeterias. Sadly, we found a cafeteria. I think I can understand now why so often Washington is so inefficient—the food. The food inside that place was some of the worst I have ever had in my life. To put it in perspective, imagine ski resort food…now overcook it and over salt it…and now you have the makings of a House cafeteria lunch.

After ‘eating’ we headed back to Congressman Kanjorski’s office for an interview we had scheduled with him. I was blown away by how receptive, kind, and interested he was, both in me and my school. He shared several stories with us, which really helped inspire my political side just a pinch more. He spoke many times on the value of good strong education, and reflected back several times to his own life, as we shared in comments on the historical of both Martin Luther King Day and Obama’s Inauguration. Mr. Kanjorski is one of the smartest men I have spoken with, and I am honored to have been given such an opportunity.

I am working on a digital recording of the interview which should be available for listening on my blog Wednesday.

Alright everybody, given the horrible traffic predictions and metro congestion, we will all be leaving our hotel at 3am, so on that note, I am going to try and take a bit of a nap.

Good night NEPA and I look forward to updating you all this evening on the Inauguration!

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